
Q. What is Atomic Arts?
A.  Atomic Arts is a group of designers who create custom buttons and banners for the public.

Q.  What is in it for you people? 
A.   We really like to make graphics and enjoy seeing our art displayed on the web.  We charge nothing but a link back to our site because we want everyone that enjoys making web sites to have nice quality buttons/banners at the best  price on the web.

Q.  Are the images copyrighted?
A.  All the images are free to download and are copyright of Atomic Arts.   Graphics that are created by Atomic Arts are public domain for either personal, educational, or commercial use.  *Note: this excludes other sites similar to ours that offer free buttons/banners etc.  Please see our Disclaimer.   Feel free to download them to your own computer and use them for your site.

Q.  Do I have to provide a credit or link to Atomic Arts for using your graphics?
A.  No a link back is not required, unless we make a button or banner for you but we would really appreciate it!

Q.  How can I download the images?
A.  If you see a button/banner you like, you can COPY them to your local system/server.  You are not allowed to link directly to the images on our site.  This is considered stealing bandwidth and takes away from other people trying to access our site.  To download, just click the right mouse button on the image you would like and choose "save as".  Then, just save it to a folder on your computer.   Thank you and enjoy the free buttons/banners from Atomic Arts!


Comments? Questions? Email Us !
All links to Atomic Arts are greatly appreciated!
© 1999 Atomic Arts

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